Last Friday, we created our own version of a Flower Family!
We added to our outside bulletin board! Our butterflies came out on Monday, so we spent all day studying butterflies! We were able to see the whole process zoomed in under the document camera. It was really amazing that all of the students were able to see such a tiny process at the same time! We are also talking about symmetry this week, and butterflies have symmetry as well! Check out our symmetrical butterflies below!
We continued our study with butterflies by looking at their whole life cycle.
Today, we worked on our Symmetry City!! This was so such a fun project! The level of creativity and engagement hit a record in Room 4 this morning! I was loving hearing the top level of thinking. The students were creating, engaged, cooperating, interacting with others, working together, and analyzing. WOW! If you ask me... this is learning!
Next week we will study PLANTS! We will kick off Monday by planting our own seeds. Tuesday we have a field trip to Hatcher Garden!
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