Thursday, September 25, 2014

ELA Rotations

English Language Arts (ELA) Rotations has quickly become one of the students favorite times of the day!  (It is their teachers favorite time too!)  There are _ main goals for ELA Rotations: 1. Provide a time for guided reading in small, appropriately leveled reading groups, 2. Create independence in learning while students work independently in their other rotations, 3. Have fun!

Each week we will have ELA Rotations Monday through Thursday.  Students move through 8 independent rotations, guided reading, and desk work with a partner.  Each day, students will go to four rotations: guided reading, a rotation, desk work, and another rotation.  At the end of the four days, all students will have completed four lessons with a leveled book in guided reading, completed four journal writing activities independently in desk work, and visited all 8 independent rotations.  

Our 8 independent rotations are Writing Table, Book Nook, Word Works, Poetry Station (Crayon), Listening to Reading (Schoolhouse), Independent Computer, Shared Computer (Star), and iPods or iPad (Apple).  Students have a name tag that shows them where to go using a poster guide at the front of the room.  

Guided Reading

Listen to Reading
Listen to Reading

Book Nook

Word Works

Writing Table

Poetry Station
Apple Rotation- iPods

Desk work (You can see a name tag under her journal!)
Desk work

Desk work

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Boosterthon Fun Run!

Today was an awesome day at Pine Street School!  We had so much fun, learned to try our best and encourage others, and best of all raised tons of money for our school!  First grade is super excited for all of the support through Boosterthon!  We can't wait for our special Dr. Seuss Day that will be possible again this year because of this fundraiser.  Thanks to all who helped as sponsors and came to encourage students today!

Go Ms. Means!

Mr. Regnier getting some good shots from the roof! 

Singing Frozen!

We ended our Boosterthon day by writing thank you notes to the Boosterthon Team.  I forgot to take pictures of some of the notes, but trust me... the students sure did learn a lot and loved Boosterthon!  After we took our cards to them, they all came back in saying, "I'm really going to miss those guys!"

As Jurassic Jess would say, "Booooosstttter Out!"

Friday, September 5, 2014

Egg Drop Experiment

This week we have discussed forces and motion.  We ended the week with a fun egg drop experiment.  The students had an optional project to create a box that would "protect" an egg when force and motion were applied to it.  They really came up with some awesome ideas that actually worked!  I brought a box with an egg that was not "protected" and my egg was the only egg to break! The students got to see that their hard work actually paid off.  Here are some pictures from the experiment!

She dropped Mrs. Berry's box!!