Friday, January 25, 2013

Buddy Program with McCarthy/Teszler

Our class is doing a Buddy Program with the McCarthy/Teszler school.  A school that serves the most significantly disabled students in Spartanburg County.  On Wednesday, a representative from McCarthy came to our classroom and do a presentation on how children at their school learn differently that at our school.  We learned about physical, visual, auditory, and learning disabilities.  The students were amazed by Mr. Doug's ability to move without his legs. 

We will go visit their classroom on Friday, Feb. 1st for lunch and they will come have lunch with us the following Friday!  They will really learn compassion, and how to treat people that are different than them in a respectful way through the program.   I am so excited for your children to be a part of this wonderful program!  More pictures to come in the next few weeks.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Friday, we had a special visitor.  Mr. Green, our local scientist at the Chapman Cultural Center's Science Center brought his awesome SkyLab.  We were able to see the constellations, how the Earth moves, and how the moon changes shapes.  We will continue to study the day and night sky throughout this next 9 weeks.

Mr. Green introducing the Sky Lab.

Excited about entering!!

Mr. Green in action!